To celebrate the launch of The Tale of Tiger Lily,
I have decided to add a second Giveaway!
It is open only for a limited time so please take advantage of this special offer!
From March 1st - March 31st, 2021 receive free shipping and one entry into the GIVEAWAY when you purchase a paperback copy of The Tale of Tiger Lily from this page
Leave an honest review of the book on Amazon< < CLICK HERE
Create a photo review of the book and post it on social media (tag me) >
*If you have not read the book yet, create a 'Call to Read!' using an image of the book or using my link:
A percentage from each book sold will be donated to various Indigenous Youth Leadership Initiatives.
Previous GIVEAWAY included items from: Sisters Sage, Rezgal Lashes, Cheekbone Beauty, Keewatinook Designs, Kokum Scrunchies, SheNative Goods, Featherstone Support Services, and 2 signed books!
Dream, Believe, Do! A Workbook Dedicated to Manifesting Your Best Life
Order hardcover